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2019-01-19 21:53:11 +01:00
title: "Updating passwords with Ansible"
date: 2019-01-19T00:00:00+01:00
draft: false
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I've recently migrated from [KeePassXC]( to [Bitwarden_RS]( (which I highly recommend, by the way) to manage my passwords.
I figured it was an opportunity to update passwords I hadn't changed in... *years*. My Linux users' passwords were among those.
Instead of updating them manually on each machine, I thought there might be a way to do so with Ansible, and since it turns out there is, I thought I might as well share it here!
**Please be careful when it comes to password modification automation. You might end up locking yourself out of your servers.**
## Generating password hashes
First thing first, we'll need to generate `passwd` compatible password hashes for our users.
In this example, I'll generate a hash for the *P@ssw0rd* password :
mkpasswd -m sha-512
You might notice you'll get a different result if you run the same command again :
mkpasswd -m sha-512
That's because, unless you specify it, the salt used by `mkpasswd` to encrypt the password is random.
You can choose a salt with the `-S` parameter if you want :
mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S hmmmsalt
mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S hmmmsalt
captainark@heimdall ~ %
## Ansible vault
Passwords are *secrets*. Even if there are hashed, you don't want them to be publicly accessible.
If, like me, your Ansible configuration is in a git repository, you should not commit them in an unencrypted file.
Ansible offers a way to encrypt a file containing variables with the `ansible-vault` command.
We first have to create a vault :
cd /your/ansible/project
mkdir -p group_vars/all/
ansible-vault create group_vars/all/vault.yml
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:
As you can see, the command will ask you to provide a password for the vault. It will then open the file in your `$EDITOR` (that'll be `vim` if you're a cool kid).
The file is like any Ansible vault file. I'll create a variable for the `root` and `captainark` users in my case :
vault_captainarkpwd: "$6$hmmmsalt$RwZR2r9W5cSv5bVgeSFPX0rJiovWOD5kMDFey1xPR6JtasqQZqHTiuW5JoQ.0VCW6oNHJlgOYJ.auhl82gfX8/"
vault_rootpwd: "$6$hmmmsalt$RwZR2r9W5cSv5bVgeSFPX0rJiovWOD5kMDFey1xPR6JtasqQZqHTiuW5JoQ.0VCW6oNHJlgOYJ.auhl82gfX8/"
An [Ansible best practice]( is to prepend all variables that are stored in a vault with the `vault_` prefix. It makes where they are stored clear when reading through a playbook.
Once saved, if you try to `cat` the file, you won't be able to see its actual content :
cat group_vars/all/vault.yml
To view the variables in the file, you can use the `ansible-vault view` command :
ansible-vault view group_vars/all/vault.yml
Vault password:
vault_captainarkpwd: "$6$hmmmsalt$RwZR2r9W5cSv5bVgeSFPX0rJiovWOD5kMDFey1xPR6JtasqQZqHTiuW5JoQ.0VCW6oNHJlgOYJ.auhl82gfX8/"
vault_rootpwd: "$6$hmmmsalt$RwZR2r9W5cSv5bVgeSFPX0rJiovWOD5kMDFey1xPR6JtasqQZqHTiuW5JoQ.0VCW6oNHJlgOYJ.auhl82gfX8/"
To edit the vault's content, you can use the `ansible-vault edit group_vars/all/vault.yml` command.
## The playbook
Now that our vault is ready, all that's left is to run the following playbook :
- hosts: all
become: yes
become_method: sudo
- name: PASSWORDS | Check if the captainark user exists
shell: id -u captainark
register: captainark_exists
ignore_errors: true
- name: PASSWORDS | Update captainark password
name: captainark
password: "{{ vault_captainarkpwd }}"
update_password: always
when: captainark_exists.rc == 0
- name: PASSWORDS | Create captainark user
name: captainark
password: "{{ vault_captainarkpwd }}"
shell: /usr/bin/zsh
uid: 1000
groups: adm,sudo,apps
when: captainark_exists.rc != 0
- name: PASSWORDS | Update root password
name: root
password: "{{ vault_rootpwd }}"
update_password: always
I've called this playbook `passwords.yml`. To run it, I simply execute the following command :
ansible-playbook passwords.yml --ask-vault-pass
The command asks for the vault password to decrypt its contents.
The playbook will first check if the `captainark` user exists, and it will update its password if it does. If it doesn't, the user will be created with the defined options.
Since the `root` user should always exist, the playbook changes its password without checking.
**N.B. :** If you've decided to store your vault somewhere else, you might need to add a task at the beginning of the playbook to load it, like so :
- name: PASSWORDS | Load the vault
include_vars: /path/to/your/vault.yml
## Conclusion
That's all! As always, I hope someone finds this article useful!
If you do, please let me know in the comments here, on [Twitter]( or on the [Fediverse](!
Also, if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up on my [Rocket.Chat]( instance! Hopefully I'll write about it in the future!