WebDAV with nginx
This website has been hosted on an Online.net dedicated server since its creation. I’ve been one of their customers for the past 3 years now, and I still don’t have anything bad to say about them. »
This website has been hosted on an Online.net dedicated server since its creation. I’ve been one of their customers for the past 3 years now, and I still don’t have anything bad to say about them. »
I wrote a MySQL database backup script a while back. I known they are more than enough of them already floating around the internet, but hey, I figured I’d share it here anyway. The script For the script to work, you’ll need to edit a few variable to match your configuration. »
tmux is a terminal mutiplexer. It lets you have multiples shells running in a single terminal emulator window and it keeps those shells running in the background should you need to close your terminal emulator. »
I’ve recently bought a HP Proliant Microserver Gen8 to play around with LXC and try new stuff. From the 4 Debian machines I had to keep up-to-date, I now have 7, so it became quite time-consumming to manually SSH to each of them whenever an update became available. »
I’ve decided to migrate this blog to Pelican. I’ve been playing around with it over the week-end, and it turns out to be way easier to manage than Jekyll. Themes are much easier to install and configure, so it ends up looking better as well ! »