--- title: "MySQL backup script" date: 2016-03-13T00:00:00+01:00 draft: false share: false --- I wrote a MySQL database backup script a while back. I known they are more than enough of them already floating around the internet, but hey, I figured I'd share it here anyway. ## The script For the script to work, you'll need to edit a few variable to match your configuration. - `BACKUPDIR` is the path of the directory where you want your backups to be stored. - `BACKUPUSR` is the user that will connect to MySQL to dump the databases. It should have access to all you databases without needing a password. - `EXCLUDELIST` is a list of databases that should not be backed-up. Leaving it as is is probably fine. ```bash #!/bin/bash BACKUPDIR="/home/user/backup" BACKUPUSR="user" EXCLUDELIST="^Databases$|^information_schema$|^mysql$|^performance_schema$" sqlbk() { for each in $(mysqlshow | awk '/[[:alnum:]]/{print $2}'); do if [[ $each =~ $EXCLUDELIST ]]; then true else mysqldump $each | bzip2 > ${BACKUPDIR}/${each}.sql.bz2 chown ${BACKUPUSR}: ${BACKUPDIR}/${each}.sql.bz2 && chmod 600 ${BACKUPDIR}/${each}.sql.bz2 fi done } [[ -e /etc/init.d/mysql ]] && sqlbk ``` I personnaly have this script running once a week, in my user's personnal crontab (editable using the `crontab -e` command) : ``` ## WEEKLY DATABASE BACKUP @weekly /home/user/bin/backupdb ``` # Conclusion You've probably noticed that the script erases the previous backup when a new one is made. I don't need to keep multiple versions of the same database backup on my servers because they are all saved remotely on a daily basis using [Rsnapshot](http://rsnapshot.org/). I'll probably write an article on the subject in the future. As usual, feedback is always appreciated !