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CaptainArk's Hunt Train Tracker
What is this?
This website is a FFXIV A hunt location tracker that aims to help you run trains on your server!
How do I use it?
From the landing page, click on the banner of the expansion you plan to scout.
With the help of the markers, check possible spawn points for the A-Ranks in the current area.
When you find one, drag and drop one of the flags on the side on the map.
Repeat until you've found all open hunts, announce your train, and start hunting!
Anything I should know about A-Ranks?
Once an A-Rank is killed, it takes 4 to 6 hours to respawn.
If an A-Rank is not killed within 24 hours of spawning, it despawns. Despawned A-Ranks respawn within 4 to 6 hours as well.
What other resources should I use to run trains?
In-game hunting linkshells (LS) and cross-world linkshells (CWLS) are a must for people to be informed of your train!
Ariyala's HuntTracker allows you to check if a hunt is open, and to mark them as dead once your train kills them!
Maps on the tracker are in the same order as this tracker to help with marking!
Alternatively, you can use Horus for that as well.
The Centurio Hunts discord allows you to announce your train to a whole lot of people from your datacenter, and to join currently ongoing ones!
Cable Monkey's Hunt Maps is the source of the maps used on this site!
Is the code available anywhere?
Who are you?
I'm Moemie Valesti @ Omega :3
How do I contact you?
You can find me on the Centurio Hunts discord server. I'm [Omega] Moemie Valesti there.
You can also reach me by email!